Can I order a pickup with a plug-in base, like those on the Music Man Majesty or Ibanez 7-string Iron Label guitar?

Can I order a pickup with a plug-in base, like those on the Music Man Majesty or Ibanez 7-string Iron Label guitar?

Many of our 6-string, 7-string, and 8-string full-size humbuckers are available for order with a PCB (Printed Circuit Board) base that features a 5-pin connector which mates with an included 4-conductor cable and makes our pickups truly plug-and-play. There is an extra charge of $10 List Price for this type of base, and these pickups may be ordered new by calling or emailing us directly. However, existing pickups with standard bases cannot be retrofitted with a PCB base and plug-in connector after purchase.

Additionally, all Strat®- and Tele®-style railed pickups (those with two rail-style pole pieces rather than 6 individual magnets) come with a PCB base and plug-in connector by default. Metal-covered P Bass pickups (Vintage P™, Relentless™ Middle and Relentless P™) also come with PCB bases and plug-in connectors.

Please note that guitars must be wired to accommodate this type of plug-and-play connection; for assistance with this or to ensure your guitar is properly configured before ordering, please contact tech support at 718-816-8112 or [email protected].

PCB bases with plug-in connectors are NOT currently available on the following types of pickups:

1) Minibuckers, soapbar-style pickups, single coil pickups, bass pickups, or acoustic pickups
2) Humbuckers with vintage 1-conductor wiring