Can I get a DiMarzio® humbucker with a factory-installed metal cover?

Can I get a DiMarzio® humbucker with a factory-installed metal cover?

Select the Pickups link at the top of this page and navigate to the model that you want. Scroll down to the Color Options section. If metal covers are listed in Color Options, then you can get this model with a factory-installed metal cover.

DiMarzio humbuckers with 12 polepieces in standard or F-spacing are available with a metal cover in polished nickel, satin nickel, buffed unplated nickel-silver or matte black for an additional charge of $23 List Price, or polished gold or satin gold for an additional $33 List. DiMarzio PAF®-style humbuckers are also available in a vintage worn nickel cover for $33 additional List Price, or in vintage worn gold for $43 additional List Price.

7-string humbuckers with 14 polepieces are also available with a metal cover in polished nickel, satin nickel, buffed unplated nickel-silver, or matte black for an additional charge of $35 List Price, or polished gold or satin gold for an additional $45 List. 

Other models, such as models with solid bar polepieces, are not available from our factory in a metal cover and are not designed for use with a metal cover.